Savernake Road Bridge entrance

Since summer 2021 we have been working to transform the Savernake Road Bridge entrance to Hampstead Heath into a green corridor. The aim is to create an attractive floral entrance to the famous green space, as well as to provide a corridor for wildlife between the Heath and nearby gardens. We also hope it offers inspiration for what people can do in their own gardens to help wildlife, no matter how small.


Before work started, the footpath approach to the Heath was unloved and full of graffiti. Our first aim was to plant up the neglected flowerbed under the bridge. The Sir Hubert von Verkomer Foundation painted a colourful mural, which brightened up the area and has given a tropical backdrop to our planting.

Heath Hand youth volunteer wildlife gardening

Perennial planting

After improving the soil on both sides of the path with compost, we planted hundreds of pollinator-friendly plants plants and bulbs to provide a variety of colourful flowers for bees and butterflies to feed on throughout the year. Much of this hard work was done by our Youth Volunteers, with help from our Conservation Volunteers, Heath-Friendly Schools and Corporate Groups.

We’ve also labelled the plants, so you can find out what we’ve planted when you pass by.

Wild flowers and ladybird at Savernake Road Bridge

Space for Nature

We have also created more natural zones along the path to help provide habitat and forage for a variety of wildlife, including:

  • A mini meadow next to the road, with seed from Grow Wild UK, which gives a fantastic display of flowers in summer.

  • A stretch of mixed native hedging for wildlife donated by Camden Forest 2025.

  • A bug hotel, log pile and a stag beetle loggery.

We will be adding more wildlife homes, including bird boxes and bat boxes in the near future.

Support the Project

We’re grateful to Tesco Community Grants and Grow Wild UK for funding this greening project, as well as to other individuals and organisations who have donated funds and plants so far.

Work continues on transforming the area, adding new plants, weeding and maintaining wildflower areas, planting bulbs and herbs.

Watch the area develop and support our work here!