Nature Journaling: My Relationship with Hampstead Heath.

Exploring nature journaling with local resident and Heath Hands volunteer Shilpa Agashe

When we moved to London in the summer of 2015, we scouted various neighbourhoods to live in. At a friend’s insistence we decided to explore areas around Hampstead Heath. I remember noticing how fresh the air was and wondering what it would be like to live close to such a large green space. Fast forward almost ten years, and I call myself extremely lucky to be able to walk regularly on Hampstead Heath and continually spend many happy hours drawing and painting outside.

While I started visiting the Heath almost as soon as we moved to the area, it wasn’t until the pandemic that I realised I needed to learn more about the landscape I was exploring. Throughout 2021, I decided to journal all the plants I encountered on my walks on the Heath and the neighbourhood. I photographed the plants I saw, tried to identify them, and revisited them in different seasons to observe the first leaf shoots, flowers, fruits, seed heads, and so on. I documented all of this in my sketchbooks. By the end of the project, it was wonderful to be able to name many of the plants I saw on my walks, almost like acknowledging a neighbour by name.

Although I have become more plant-aware over the last few years, walking the same route weekly adds a different dimension to observing and questioning. There's a level of anticipation every week because there's always a surprise —whether it's the first visible flower, tiny fruits, or galls! The more I learn each week, the more I realise how much there is to know.

It's also a commitment to honouring a natural space that gives so much to us all. I must admit, while my commitment allows for flexibility, I am in awe of those volunteers who have dedicate their time to conserve the Heath and show up unfailingly every week, even when the weather plays spoilsport!

Join us for a guided walk and nature journaling workshop with Shilpa on the 19th June. Book your ticket here.

To see more of Shilpa’s fantastic work visit:

Instagram: @agasheshilpa

Last year, I decided to observe and study  wildflowers growing on Hampstead Heath and was delighted to discover so many. Being able to name the wildflowers I see on my walks adds another layer to my relationship with the Heath. We can't put effort into conserving something we don't know about. It was also delightful to see and draw the new wildflower meadow created by Heath Hands situated behind the Hive.


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