What’s on - events and activities on Hampstead Heath and nearby
Find out about events coming up on Hampstead Heath, Highgate Wood,, Kenwood and nearby . This includes those we organise and other events on our green spaces hosted by the City of London and others. This page is updated regularly, and you can sign up for our community newsletter here.
Most of our events are free but some activities have a suggested donation. Friends and members of Heath Hands get FREE spaces to all our events and there are often free activities for community groups - just get in touch.
We also run weekly guided health walks every Monday and Thursday morning.

Kenwood Dairy open day
Visit the Kenwood Dairy's tea room and nature centre on our open day

Signs of Spring Guided Walk
Join us for a guided walk in the Kenwood area looking out for signs of Spring - FREE

Nature Journaling Workshop
Join us for a guided walk and nature journaling workshop - £5

Kenwood Dairy open day
Visit the Kenwood Dairy's tea room and nature centre on our open day

Nature Walk - The Geology of Hampstead Heath
Find out about the Geology of Hampstead Heath

Litter pick - all welcome
Join our litter pick to help look after the Heath - all welcome and all equipment provided - FREE

Nature Journaling Workshop
Join us for a guided walk and nature journaling workshop - £5

Litter pick - all welcome
Join our litter pick to help look after the Heath - all welcome and all equipment provided - FREE

Nature Walk - The Geology of Hampstead Heath
Find out about the Geology of Hampstead Heath

LNHS survey - Hampstead Heath Molluscs
Join the London Natural History Society for a survey on molluscs found on Hampstead Heath
Forest Bathing
Join us for a free forest bathing workshop on Hampstead Heath - FULLY BOOKED

Nature Journaling Workshop
Join us for a guided walk and nature journaling workshop - £5

Heath & Hampstead Society - Birds of the Heath in Spring -Guided walk
A guided walk hosted by The Heath and Hampstead Society on Spring birds on the Heath
Guided Walk - River Fleet
Find out about nature and wildlife on Hampstead Heath - focusing on the river Fleet - FULLY BOOKED
Nature Journaling Workshop
Join us for a guided walk and nature journaling workshop around Kenwood

Kenwood Dairy open day
Visit the Kenwood Dairy's tea room and nature centre on our open day

LNHS walk - Looking at trees in the Hill Garden
Find out about the trees found at the Hill Garden with this outing hosted by the London Natural History Society

Nature Journaling Workshop
Join us for a guided walk and nature journaling workshop around Kenwood

Heath & Hampstead Society - Guided walk
A guided walk hosted by The Heath and Hampstead Society on the history and relationship between the Kenwood Estate and Hampstead Heath

LNHS walk - Hampstead Heath Bryophytes
Find out about the variety of bryophytes found on Hampstead Heath with this all-day outing hosted by the London Natural History Society

Nature Journaling Workshop
Join us for a guided walk and nature journaling workshop around Kenwood

Wild about Hampstead Heath - Big Birdwatch
Drop in session with our Wildlife Interpreters to take part in the big birdwatch on Hampstead Heath - FREE - CANCELLED DUE TO HIGH WINDS

Kenwood Dairy open day
Visit the Kenwood Dairy's tea room and nature centre on our open day

Nature walk: Bird ID
Join our Nature Bird ID walk to learn how to identify the Heath’s bird species - FREE
Nature walk: Bird ID
Join our Nature Bird ID walk to learn how to identify the Heath’s bird species - FREE

Nature Journaling Workshop
Join us for a guided walk and nature journaling workshop around Kenwood - SOLD OUT

Wild about Hampstead Heath - Big Birdwatch
Drop in session with our Wildlife Interpreters to take part in the big birdwatch on Hampstead Heath - FREE